Our Partnerships 2021 New Identity

The International Council of Design (ICoD) is a world body for professional design, representing 125 organisations in 53 countries. Founded as Icograda in 1963, it is a non-profit, non-partisan, member-based network of independent organisations and stakeholders working within the multidisciplinary scope of design. The Council actively works to promote the value of design practice, critique, education, research and policy.

A singular federation of national associations, design communities, experts and enthusiasts, IFI acts as the “UN” for Interior Architecture / Design worldwide. IFI’s purpose is to coalesce the international interiors community for ever higher design standards while addressing and incorporating topical issues and developments affecting society and culture today into tomorrow.

World Design Organization (WDO)® is a globally recognized non-governmental organization that aims to promote and advance the discipline of industrial design and its power to enhance economic, social, cultural and environmental quality of life. Founded in 1957, WDO services over 215 member organizations around the world, engaging thousands of individual designers through innovative programming and initiatives that champion ‘design for a better world’.

About Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency

The Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA) established in June 2024, formerly known as Create Hong Kong (CreateHK), is a dedicated office set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR Government) under the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau to provide one-stop services and support to the cultural and creative industries with a mission to foster a conducive environment in Hong Kong to facilitate the development of arts, culture and creative sectors as industries. Its strategic foci are nurturing talent and facilitating start-ups, exploring markets, promoting cross-sectoral and cross-genre collaboration, promoting the development of arts, culture and creative sectors as industries under the industry-oriented principle, and promoting Hong Kong as Asia’s creative capital and fostering a creative atmosphere in the community to implement Hong Kong’s positioning as the East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange under the National 14th Five-Year Plan.

Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee. 

Our Friends of HKDC (FOHKDC) Programme unites those who are passionate about design and believe in its inherent value for our society and well-being. 

As our close friends and supporters, being part of the FOHKDC community means getting priority registration to our events and receiving special invitations for learning and experiencing design up close, including exclusive networking opportunities. Find out more about the programme and how to join here.

We would like to acknowledge these Design Patrons and Corporate Members for their generous support and enthusiasm in our mission.



Design Patrons (Individual)

(In alphabetical order by surname)

Mr Fawaz Abid Bakhotmah / Mr Hei Shing Chan 陳曦成先生 / Ms Kali Chan 陳嘉莉女士 / Mr Michael Cheung 張志立先生 / Ms Agnes Chiu 趙靄文女士 / Ms Karen Chui / Mr Alex Chunn / Prof. Richard Fung 馮立中教授 / Ms Pansy Ho 何超瓊女士 / Mr Jeremy Hocking / Ms Kigge Mai Hvid / Dr Tai-keung Kan, SBS, BBS 靳埭強博士 / Dr Kwong Man-hang, Bengle, JP (Aust.) 鄺敏恆博士 / Mr Man-ting, Edmond Lai 黎文定先生 / Dr Michael Lam 林寶興博士 / Ms Denise Lau 劉思蔚女士 / Dr Flora Lau 劉偉婷博士 / Mr Siu Hong Freeman Lau, BBS 劉小康先生 / Mr Tai Yum Lau 劉棣欽先生 / Dr Edmund Lee 利德裕博士 / Dr Harry Lee, SBS, JP 李乃熺博士 / Mr Wai-fung Leung 梁偉峰先生 / Mr Lu Lam, Leslie 盧林先生 / Mr Ma Yu Hung, Samuel 馬餘雄先生 / Mr Ng Man Wai, Danny 吳文偉先生 / Mr Nils Neckel / Mr Benson Pau 鮑潔鈞先生 / Mr Chiu Hang Tsoi 蔡超恆先生 / Mr Chi Fung Wang 王志峰先生 / Mr Ben Wong 黃志奇先生 / Mr Danny Wong / Mr Peter Wong 黃紹開先生 / Mr Qin Xia 夏勤先生 / Prof. Eric Yim, JP 嚴志明教授 / Mr Leon K L Yoong 翁國樑先生 / Dr Allan Zeman 盛智文博士 / 2B Square / 4M Industrial Development Limited / FringeBacker Limited / Play Concept Limited / Shantou University 汕頭大學 / 深圳巿易訊天空網絡技術有限公司

Design Patrons (Corporate)

Corporate Members