Introducing Design Thinking to Healthcare Leaders

With Hong Kong’s healthcare system having immediate needs for accommodating citizens’ demands for better, efficient and affordable medical treatments, medical experts and healthcare leaders are learning to embrace a design mindset to tackle challenges such as long-waiting hours and insufficient beds in the public hospital setting.

Designed to raise awareness of the “power of” and the “making of” good design, HKDC’s IDK (Institute of Design Knowledge) team led the group of healthcare leaders on the Health System Leadership Programme organised by CUHK onto a unique learning journey through three aspects : Appreciating Good Design, Experiencing Co-creation and Sharing. The idea is to inspire the healthcare leaders to understand user needs, build empathy and identify innovation opportunities.

The workshop includes exercises to facilitate learning and adoption of design thinking for shaping problems and effect human-centred innovations. Health is crucial to a livable city, we, citizens, are looking forward to a healthcare system with quality services that place the wellbeing and needs of patients at the centre.